
Community is one of the most vital components of the healing journey, especially for highly sensitive introverts, but it’s also something that we naturally tend to resist and avoid. Many of us have a love/hate relationship with the idea of community. On one hand we long for deeper connection and a sense of belonging, on the other hand we want to avoid the kind of exposure and overstimulation that can be associated with community because it can be exhausting and discouraging.

For the most part, we’ve been exposed to communities of people who don’t understand us. Most of us have never had the opportunity to experience being in a group of people who are just like us because we make up less than 20% of the population. Because we’re different, many of us have learned to subdue or hide our natural expression for the sake of love, acceptance and belonging. We can have a very hard time developing a healthy sense of self, which affects everything we do.

This is one of the reasons why community is such a vital part of the healing journey. Being with like-minded, wholehearted people whose temperament and experience of life closely resembles your own is one of the most extraordinary and life giving experiences you will ever have. To finally feel understood, accepted, seen, heard and loved for who you are, just as you are, can be profoundly transformational in itself. We share common struggles and can support each other to shine like nobody else can. Being in this kind of community creates a safe space for deep healing to occur among peers who are healing, learning and growing together.  The feeling of no longer being alone in your struggles is priceless.

What would it be like if you could wake up every day to a life that looked like this:

💥  A general sense of ease has replaced a general sense of anxiety.

💥  Compassion and self-acceptance have replaced self-criticism and self-doubt

💥  Instead of dragging yourself out of bed, grabbing a cup of coffee and worrying about everything that’s ahead of  you that day, you revel in a few moments of quiet gratitude for how magical your life has become.

💥  Instead of focusing on all the flaws and imperfections in the mirror and feeling deflated, you look at yourself with warmth and acceptance.

💥  Stress, shame, anxiety and depression don’t hold you down anymore.

💥  Irritation and impatience have been replaced by compassion and contentment.

💥  You feel much more connected to yourself and to other people.

💥  The moods, words and actions of others don’t bother you.

💥  You embrace imperfection instead of judging it.

💥  Change is something you welcome instead of resist.

💥  You are no longer held back by your perceptions of what you need to fix, change or acquire.

💥  You no longer try to fit in and be normal, you revel in your idiosyncrasies and embrace your “weirdness” . You feel at home in the world.

💥  You hold yourself in high regard without arrogance or conceit and give yourself the approval you’ve been seeking from others.

💥  You trust yourself instead of doubting and second guessing

💥  You’re inspired and energized by life instead of overwhelmed, exhausted and dissatisfied.

💥  You’re no longer a people pleaser, you honor your needs as much as everyone else’s without feelings of guilt or selfishness.

💥  You have the support to work through and heal what needs to be healed, and don’t hesitate to reach out for that support.

💥  You have much more control over the feelings you have, the actions you take and the results you get.

💥  You have the emotional intelligence to address discomfort and insecurity. Instead of trying to ignore these uncomfortable feelings and then unconsciously sabotaging yourself, you notice and are able to navigate around the old patterns that keep you stuck. As a result you have more energy, vitality and enthusiasm for life, and get the results you’re aiming for.

💥  You have the power to let go of relationships that don’t nourish you and connect more deeply in relationships that do. You no longer feel isolated and alone.

💥  You understand yourself, accept yourself and love yourself unconditionally.

💥  You trust yourself and the decisions you make, move through the world confidently, and shine your light brightly.


If this sounds too good to be true, I can tell you that everything I’ve stated above is becoming my own experience more and more. If you’ve read my bio, that says a lot about how far I’ve come. If I can do it, you can too. I’m not a master yet, but mastery is a lifelong process.

In this community I share the many things that have made the biggest difference for me and how they can make a difference for you. Becoming more comfortable in your own skin and confidently expressing your true self takes time and dedication but when you have the right kind of support it can be much more enjoyable and enable you to move more quickly through the rough patches and messy bits. I did it the hard way for decades, mostly on my own and through a lot of trial and error and know how deeply frustrating and discouraging it can be. Being a part of a community like this can make the process much easier. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have.


What makes this community different?

❄️  Other communities like this are hundreds of dollars a month. This kind of attention from a coach is generally not available for this price. I wanted to make this as accessible as I could to reach as many people as I could, especially those who are struggling the most after the upheaval of 2020. Aligned community has made an enormous difference for me and I want to share that experience with others. Re-establishing a healthy sense of self is a process that can take time. Having long-term support that doesn’t break the bank is highly beneficial for our continual progress.

❄️  Everything I share and teach is specifically designed to support women who are introverted, empathic, intuitive and highly sensitive. We’re different at a physiological level and have different ways of operating that most of us aren’t aware of, which is why life can seem so hard. Most of us are not operating from our strengths because we haven’t been told what they are or how to use them. Most coaching communities and programs are designed for the other 85% of the population who are not introverted and highly sensitive and they tend not to work for us very well.

❄️ We’re on similar paths, you and I. Challenges that you’re experiencing, I’ve likely also experienced and can give you strategies that actually work for people like you and me. You might feel alone in your struggles but here you’ll find that they’re more common than you might think. 

❄️  It’s a very organic and interactive format. I’ll provide what’s most needed and wanted based on what’s shared and asked for within the group. There’s no pre-programmed agenda. I’ll be paying attention to the common themes in your questions and the experiences you share and speak to those. What’s needed most will be addressed first.

❄️  It’s a holistic approach. The occupational therapist in me has learned that there are often many different sides to a challenge and the best way to tackle anything is with a multi-faceted approach, as depicted in the image at the top of this page.

❄️  It’s conversational. We don’t need more information or more stuff to do, what we need the most is to slow down and connect more deeply with ourselves and with each other. We need to understand ourselves and interact with those who can relate to how we experience the world and how we see ourselves in it, to break down the pervasive beliefs of inadequacy and see that we’re not broken or flawed, we’re simply misunderstood. 


Because so many of us have experienced hardship and discrimination we have enormous hearts. The amount of empathy we have the capacity to hold as a group is beyond measure. One of the most beautiful results of being held within this container of empathy is that it has the power to melt our self-judgment and criticism and nurture us to develop a deep sense of self-acceptance; out of which spring levels of confidence and empowerment that we’ve likely never experienced before. At the same time we develop a great deal of compassion and forgiveness for the people who have misunderstood us, and we learn to be ourselves fully despite what others might think.

Here are a few more results you can receive from your participation:

Thrive as an intuitive introvert without fixing or changing anything about who you are.

Free yourself from the stress, worry, overwhelm and struggle, and experience the confidence, peace of mind and happiness you’ve been seeking that’s always felt just out of reach.

Discover how to stop sabotaging yourself and create the life you want

Nurture and honor your nature and work with yourself instead of against yourself.

Free yourself from fear, anxiety, shame, worry and comparison.

Reduce stress, and create movement in areas of life where you feel stuck, stagnant, blocked, or powerless.

Manage overwhelm and overstimulation, and avoid exhaustion and burnout.

Stay steady in the face of uncertainty and change and develop healthy ways of coping when things fall apart.

Handle emotions in a healthy way without being consumed by them.

Discover why you do what you do and why you feel the way you feel and take control of your experience.

Free yourself from patterns of thought that keep you from reaching your goals.

Find the freedom to dream and the inspiration to cultivate those dreams.

Embrace who you are without judgment or criticism.

Turn your pain into power and your wounds into wisdom.

Nurture your strengths, find your voice and discover how powerful you are.

Increase vitality and unleash creativity.

Bring masculine and feminine energies into balance.

Connect with and enhance your intuition, trust your inner wisdom, and establish an unshakeable connection to a higher power of your own understanding, whether that be God, Goddess, Buddha, Mother Nature, your highest potential, the Universe… whatever works for you.


Some of the main features of your membership:

💥  Connect with other like-hearted souls in a private forum to make new friends, receive support and have meaningful conversations.

💥  Weekly practices, inspiration, guidance, wisdom and encouragement from the wealth of knowledge that’s contributed to my own healing, learning and growth over the past decade.

💥  Interviews with and success stories about highly sensitive introverts who are thriving and living in their strengths

💥  Weekly Q&A sessions

💥  Group coaching: Each month I’ll choose volunteers who want to be coached (changing sensitive information as needed) and post the written transcripts of the coaching sessions in the group for the benefit of all.

💥  Special Events and Gatherings 


This community is perfect for you if you can say yes to any of the following:

You’re introverted and highly sensitive but don’t really know what that means or what to do with that information. (If you’re not sure take the quizzes at the bottom of the homepage)

You’ve read self-help books about how to be more successful and play a bigger game in life but can’t seem to get the results they promise. Maybe you’ve tried coaching before and have been turned off by all the accountability, goal-setting, rigid structures and formulas, it just hasn’t felt right or worked for you very well.

You’ve tried therapy and have benefitted somewhat, but it’s not making the kind of lasting difference you were hoping for.

You feel isolated and alone despite a desire to connect more deeply with others.

You’re deeply affected by other people’s moods.

You feel an emptiness, a disconnection from your dreams, desires and emotions, something is missing, you’ve lost your passion and are just going through the motions. You feel a vague sense of dissatisfaction that you’re unable to put into words or explain.

You’re a people pleaser and always put others before yourself. You take responsibility for other people’s feelings, needs, desires and behaviors and take on jobs that are not yours to take on. 

You seek to be perfect in the roles you play, such as employee, daughter, wife, mother, lover, etc.

You function mainly from your logical, rational mind. You’re accomplishment-driven, overextending and overworking yourself, ignoring your well-being in the process. You don’t sleep or rest as much as you need to and rely on things like caffeine and sugar to keep you going. You’re doing everything you can think of to stay on top of your busy life, but you feel like you’re drowning.

You overeat and have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. You’ve tried all kinds of things to change this but nothing has made much of a difference.

You lack the support to acknowledge and manage your perceived shortcomings and instead soothe yourself with food/substances or pleasure/entertainment of other sorts.

You often feel over-extended and overwhelmed by all the obligations you have to meet and don’t have time for what you enjoy. You’ve lost track of what really brings you joy, you’re too consumed by the efforts of mere survival. Life often feels like a never-ending grind and when you’re not busy meeting obligations, your time off is spent hibernating and recovering your strength to be able to keep going, you have no energy for anything else.

You wonder why life seems so much easier for other people and question what secret you might be missing out on. You feel like nothing you do, no matter how hard you try is ever enough. Everywhere you look you see how different you are from others and how you’re apparently lacking.

You’re trying to figure it out on your own and perhaps consider yourself to be a loner and/or a rebel. You have a hard time asking for help and pride yourself on your self-sufficiency and independence.

You have a hard time accepting and navigating change or feelings of uncertainty.

You often feel misunderstood, undervalued, invisible and overshadowed like you don’t have a voice or a presence that’s respected.

You feel that others don’t trust you or hold you with much regard because you’re different. No matter how hard you try to “be normal” your differences and inadequacies always seem to show through in some way.

You have a hard time trusting others, or trust too easily and get hurt.

You don’t trust yourself and have a hard time making decisions with confidence, often turning to outside sources for guidance.

When you’re being watched, timed or evaluated, you often fail to perform, speaking becomes less fluid and you draw blanks.

You avoid attention and feel anxious expressing yourself in front of more than one or two people. You blush easily and feel totally exposed when it happens, wishing you could melt into the floor and disappear. You also tend to avoid large crowds.

You feel emotions deeply, and maybe avoid them altogether because you don’t know how to handle them without being consumed by them and completely falling apart. Even if you wanted to, most of the time you don’t have the time or space to indulge like that.

You feel like you’re fundamentally flawed and limited because of who you are, and have spent much of your life hiding while you try to figure out what’s wrong with you, so you can fix it before anyone finds out. You’ve learned to be tough and strong and harden all your sensitivities to prove that you have what it takes to survive and meet everyone’s expectations of you. You’ve done this in an effort to fit in and be accepted, to feel less vulnerable and alone.

You set impossibly high standards for yourself that you can’t live up to, and have a harsh inner critic. You blame yourself for everything that goes wrong. Every mistake you make is a reminder/evidence of how inadequate you feel.

You’re plagued by feelings of guilt, shame, inadequacy, inferiority, and often feel like a failure.

You’re held back by feelings of self-doubt, fear, insecurity or a sense of powerlessness.

You’re stuck in confusion, perfectionism, indecision, worry, over-analysis or procrastination.

You suppress and avoid feelings or thoughts that are “negative” because you’ve learned that you need to be positive to be successful and happy.

You’ve set your passions aside in favor of a more practical, conservative path, but strongly feel an unmet yearning. You feel a deep calling to help others and make a difference in the world but the details of that desire are vague and you don’t know how to move forward.

You settle for relationships that really don’t support or nurture you or bring you the joy or fulfillment you long for. You might find yourself in one-sided relationships where you are the giver and they are the taker.

You’re afraid to let people see your true self for fear of judgment, criticism, creating distance or losing them altogether. You filter everything that comes out of your mouth and often choose to remain silent. You often don’t feel safe to allow your full self to be seen or heard for fear of being too much, not enough, weird, awkward, worthless, unimportant or unwanted. You often feel out of place, unwelcome and left out, like somehow you didn’t seem to land on the right planet and can’t seem to find “your people” or a place where you really belong.

You notice problematic patterns in your life that keep showing up again and again, you can’t seem to escape them.

You avoid conflict and adversity at all costs. You don’t know how to handle strong emotional reactions, your own or those of others, in a supportive and healthy way.

You’re extraordinarily kind, warm, generous and understanding towards others but don’t treat yourself the same way. You constantly compare yourself to others and often come up short.

You often feel like you need to defend yourself and can be angry and resentful towards people who don’t understand you, talk down to you, dismiss you or disrespect you. You also react very strongly to injustice, disrespect or mistreatment of others, especially those who can’t defend themselves, be it a person, animal or nature.

You keep your challenges, difficulties and emotional heaviness to yourself because you don’t want to bring other people down. When you need help the most, you isolate yourself and try to figure it out on your own, meanwhile pretending that everything is fine.

You’ve learned to keep your troubles to yourself because you think nobody will really understand or be able to help in a way that really makes a difference. Trying to reach out would be a waste of energy. Maybe you’ve tried to share your problems and the response wasn’t very helpful and only made you feel worse.

You don’t know why you feel the way you feel and don’t know how to explain it adequately to get the right kind of help. Maybe you have a hard time letting other people in because you’ve so often experienced judgment, teasing, criticism  pity, rejection, being misunderstood and shot down. Maybe you’ve shared too much with the wrong people in the past and regretted it, so you’re afraid to be vulnerable.

💥 Why now is the time...

The little voice that’s whispering to you from within of all the dreams and aspirations you hold will keep whispering to you. It’s time to answer that call and follow the voice that leads you to your highest path. You are needed now more than ever. You need you and others need you. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. You are the one others have been waiting for. Learning to tap into your inner wisdom and guidance will connect you to your most vibrant self and most fulfilling life. You’re not supposed to live your life like everyone else does. The cultural standards that most people live by were designed by and for extroverted non-sensitives. Trying to follow those standards doesn’t honor our intuitive nature or allow us to live in our strengths. It’s time to learn a more natural way of operating.

Many of us have experienced a bit of an identity crisis with the events of 2020. Our sense of stability and security has been shaken pretty hard. Never before has community been so important, we’re social beings, interdependence and interconnection are essential, we’ve seen that more strongly than ever this past year. Our cultural ideal of being independent and self-sufficient is quickly becoming outdated. We need each other. Community is where we find the freedom to be our true selves. It’s where magic happens and miracles are born.

So many of us have dreams and aspirations to help others and make a big impact in the world, but our capacity to do that is often limited by the trauma we’ve experienced. These limitations show up as self-doubt, feelings of not being enough and not being capable of making our dreams come true. Many of us are blocked by a sense of lack, low self-esteem, shame, imposter syndrome, and are too socially isolated to be able to make the kind of impact we want to make. We don’t heal in isolation, we heal together, and it’s only through healing that we can open ourselves up enough to make the kind of difference we want to make. 

This kind of support is something I wanted to make as accessible as possible because before we can effectively help others or heal the world, we need to heal ourselves. We have so much to share. Our strengths and gifts are precisely what the world is in such great need of, especially now. We have the capacity to bring about extraordinary change because we see things others don’t see and feel things others don’t feel. We bring a different perspective to the table. We’re changemakers, healers, revolutionaries, artists, teachers, mentors, visionaries, peacemakers, lovers, inventors and innovators. This is our time to shine, but first we need to help each other shake off the mud that’s preventing us from shining fully. No matter how hard we try, we can’t do it alone. Don’t let another year go by wrapped up in the stress of trying to figure it out on your own. Come bask in the warmth and love of your people and discover how truly amazing you are.


Monthly Membership

$5   $25   $50  

(Three levels of membership)


Click the link below to learn more about the different kinds of membership.