Meet Julia

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here! I’m the founder and leader of the Introverted Alchemy community and your coach. Introverted Alchemy was born through my own introverted alchemy, I’ve created what my younger self was so desperately seeking but wasn’t able to find. Being a highly sensitive introvert (HSI) myself, life has been confusing, devastating, heart wrenching and exhausting, but also deeply beautiful, deeply moving and full of grace. I’ve always lived deeply, close to my emotions, quietly observing and noticing things that others might not, delving into projects for hours on end, swimming in beautiful music, taking a walk through a painting, skipping idle chat and jumping straight into the deep end of conversation. I’ve long found solace and freedom in nature, in the adventure of traveling, and through creativity. I’m artistic, somewhat irreverent, with a broad sense of humor, a stubborn rebellious spirit and a tender heart; with a profound love for people, for freedom and for adventure. For those of you who are familiar with the Myers Briggs Personality type, I’m an INFP. Most of my clients are INFPs and INFJs. (If you don’t know your personality type, I enthusiastically invite you to take the quiz! The link is at the bottom of the homepage)

When I was young, I was very much a quiet observer and was so often teased and questioned about my quietness that naturally I started to wonder if there was something wrong with me. “What’s wrong?” they would ask, “why are you so quiet?” In my mind, nothing was wrong, I was just being me, so I retreated more deeply into myself to defend my heart from the inevitable rejection I feared would occur if I let people see how different I was. I felt like I needed to hide until I could figure out what was wrong so I could fix it before anyone found out. I really struggled to develop a healthy sense of self. I hardly ever felt safe to be myself and in my attempts to fit in and be accepted, I rejected myself and lost the connection to my deeper self. Having a nebulous sense that something was wrong with me but not really knowing what needed to be fixed or how to fix it, was deeply corrosive to my mental and emotional well-being. I’ve dealt with severe depression and social anxiety, panic attacks, stress-related illness, long periods of isolation and loneliness, feelings of abandonment (boarding school at 14), suicidal thoughts, addiction, major burnout, a seemingly perpetual existential crisis, and a deep sense of shame that took many years to sort out and work through. I can now look back on all of this struggle with gratitude because the heartache combined with a ferocious drive to free myself catapulted me on an adventure of self-discovery and personal growth, which is an adventure to rival all adventures. I developed a fierce determination to fix what was wrong and conquer everything I felt confined or limited by. 

My love of coaching began in my career as an occupational therapist, working to empower people to live their best lives. During my time as an OT it became very apparent that there was a limit to the difference I was able to make with my clients. I noticed one of their greatest setbacks was mindset and the more I learned about the power of the mind, the more I realized that there was something more for me to create with my life. After several years of exploration and discovery my career has evolved into life coaching. I’ve earned two coaching certifications from two very different schools of thought. The first was a Life Mastery Consultant certification through the Life Mastery Institute in 2014, and the second was a Life and Weight Coach certification through The Life Coach School in 2016. This education, paired with leadership training, a masters degree in occupational therapy, extensive continuing education, facilitation trainings and self-directed learning has equipped me with a comprehensive and ever-evolving understanding of the mind, the human condition and our human potential.

As your coach, my job is to see you from the perspective of your greatest potential, and empower you to see that for yourself so you can live from that perspective. This curriculum is for those who want to understand why you feel so different and out of place, why life can be so exhausting, why you do what you do and feel the way you feel, how to heal what needs to be healed and turn your pain into power, how to get what you want, and how to live a life that nurtures your introverted, sensitive nature. The kind of coaching I offer is for those who seek the freedom to live a creative life; those who want to feel more alive, break free from expectations and perpetual dissatisfaction and explore the possibilities of what successful living can look like. This curriculum and community are designed to provide guidance and support as you carve your own path and follow your heart. It can bring you the relief, confidence, peace of mind, direction and freedom you’ve been seeking. You’ll learn that what you want is very much within your reach, how to manage obstacles and setbacks with grace and walk towards your best life with courage, inspiration, and determination. My promise is that you’ll come away from our first interaction feeling heard, understood, uplifted, cared for and supported.

This can be the most rewarding work of our lives.

Come explore with me!